Frankfurt’s start-ups need more venture capital
A lot has happened in the start-up scene in the Rhine-Main region in recent years. Apart from Biontech, which is probably the most prominent example of success, the region can boast improved framework conditions. However, there is a lack of late-stage financing.
Half of the top 10 deals went to German start-ups
EY’s Startup Barometer shows that Germany is catching up not only in terms of financing rounds, but also in terms of financing volume. Even though the UK is still the frontrunner, high growth rates speak for Germany’s dynamism.
Start-up Community Frankfurt: Ready to pitch
Demo Day – Rentenbank’s AgTech & FoodTech Bootcamp takes place on 14 July 2021: 11 Start-ups are ready to pitch their business ideas.
Outstanding Start-ups – FinTechGermany Awards presented
Europe lacks uniform rules – Marc Roberts in interview (Börsen-Zeitung)
The European Fintech Association (EFA) was founded in Brussels on 16 June. As a lobby group representing the interests of European FinTechs, it aims to advance topics on the digital financial agenda in the EU. Marc Roberts, Chairman of the EFA Board, discusses the association’s orientation, goals and potential in an interview.