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Federal President Steinmeier appoints Joachim Nagel President of the Deutsche Bundesbank

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has appointed Joachim Nagel President of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Mr Steinmeier presented the certificate of appointment to Mr Nagel at Schloss Bellevue on 7 January.

The 55-year-old economist will take office for a period of eight years. The ceremony marking the change of office for the tenth President of the Bundesbank will take place on 11 January in Frankfurt and will be streamed live on the Bundesbank’s website. Alongside Mr Nagel and his predecessor Jens Weidmann, speakers are expected to include ECB President Christine Lagarde and Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner.

Further information, including the live broadcast of the change of office ceremony (11 January 2022 from 11:00 – 12:00) and Joachim Nagel’s curriculum vitae, can be found on the Deutsche Bundesbank’s website.

Source: Deutsche Bundesbank

Photo: Walter Vorjohann

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