With one voice for Germany's most important financial centre

Frankfurt Main Finance was founded in 2008 as the voice of the financial centre Frankfurt in Germany and the Eurozone. Frankfurt Main Finance has more than 75 members, including the state of Hesse, the cities of Frankfurt and neighbouring Eschborn and Offenbach, numerous well known financial market players and their service providers, as well as private and public universities and research institutions.


With their membership, they all express their close ties to the financial centre as well as their will to position Frankfurt as a first-rate national and international financial centre. Frankfurt Main Finance pools the strengths of the players in the financial centre, markets the location and creates top-class dialogue platforms.

Become a member now!

Become part of a strong community of supporters of the financial centre with your organisation.

Members of Frankfurt Main Finance

Since 2008, Frankfurt Main Finance has been the financial centre initiative of the leading financial centre in Germany and the euro zone. Its more than 75 members include the State of Hesse, the cities of Frankfurt and Eschborn, numerous well-known financial market players and their service providers as well as private and public universities.

Frankfurt Main Finance offers its members a platform:


Regular Members

Regular members of the association can be legal entities as well as associations, credit institutions, financial institutions and their service providers,
in particular law firms and auditing and tax consulting companies as well as corporations, in particular the
Land Hessen and the City of Frankfurt, but not natural persons. Regular members are in the general meetings
entitled to vote.


Supporting Members

Natural and legal persons as well as associations, credit institutions, financial institutions, their service providers, institutions and corporations may become supporting members of the Association, provided that they are suited to promote the objectives of the Association due to their activity, profession or participation in economic life. Supporting members are not entitled to vote in the general meetings, but may participate in the meetings. They regularly receive information about the work of the association.



FinTech members can be FinTech companies from all over Germany. The maximum number of employees must not exceed 100 and the company must not exist for more than eight years. FinTech members are not entitled to vote in the general meetings, but they can participate in the meetings. They regularly receive information about the work of the association.


Board / Presidium

The presidium leads the association. It consists of up to 13 members and is elected by the board. By appointing high-ranking personalities from the member organisations, the initiative is given the necessary strength both within the organisations themselves and among the general public.

Honorary President

Honorary president of the association is Dr. Lutz Raettig.

Standing Committee

A working group consisting of delegates of the Bureau prepares its decisions. It meets four times a year and coordinates all questions of current work with the management. This ensures the highest possible efficiency in the coordination of daily work between the Presidium and the Management Board.

Management Board

The Presidium appoints one or more managing directors. These work closely with the President and the Standing Committee. NewMark Finanzkommunikation GmbH is currently in charge of the management of the company, and with Hubertus Väth and Andreas Glänzel also provides the managing directors.

Advisory Board

The Presidium may decide to set up an Advisory Board. The advisory board may consist of a maximum of 10 members. Members of the association are excluded from the advisory board.

Members of the Executive Board

as at 10.2024

Memberships and cooperations

Center for Financial Studies (CFS) »

The Center for Financial Studies conducts independent and internationally oriented research in important areas of Finance. It serves as a forum for dialogue between academia, policy-making institutions and the financial industry. It offers a platform for top-level fundamental research as well as applied research relevant for the financial sector in Europe.

Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation »

FIRM connects members and sponsors with expertise in risk management and regulation in the financial sector; from academia, finance and real economy, politics and regulation, including personal and alumni associations. The institute promotes research and teaching in all areas of risk management and regulation as well as the holistic, practice-oriented training of risk managers for the financial sector. A further aim is to promote the understanding of "best practice standards" for risk management and regulation with the aim of a sustainable financial sector that strengthens the overall economy.

Germany Finance »

Germany Finance is an informal association of the German financial centre initiatives from Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Munich and Stuttgart with the aim of increasing and communicating the attractiveness and diversity of Germany as a financial centre.

Germany Works. »

"Germany Works." is the location campaign for Germany. It promotes Germany as a business location abroad and presents it as an attractive place to invest. As an overarching Germany platform, it highlights the special features of Germany as a business location and forms a holistic, communicative bracket for all partners in German location marketing.

Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany (GSFC) »

The GSFC is a merger of the Accelerating Sustainable Finance Initiative of Deutsche Börse and the Green Finance Cluster Frankfurt of the Hessian Ministry of Economics. The cluster offers a permanent dialogue platform on topics related to green and sustainable finance, taking into account all relevant stakeholders - business, civil society, policy/regulators and academia.

SDG FinTech Initiative »

Sustainability and responsible action in the financial industry: The SDG FinTech-Initiative was founded by start-ups from Frankfurt and Frankfurt Main Finance to build a bridge between the top-down approaches of politics and big industry and innovative bottom-up approaches of start-ups from the international sustainability agenda.


TechQuartier - FinTech Community Frankfurt GmbH »

Located in the heart of Frankfurt, the TechQuartier offers access to a valuable network of start-ups, companies, investors, talents and mentors. It is much more than just an inspiring place to work and collaborate - the TechQuartier represents a large community of future-oriented professionals who are eager to learn and make contacts.

World Association of International Financial Centres (WAIFC) »

The WAIFC is a non-profit association based in Belgium. It represents leading international financial centres and facilitates their cooperation and exchange of experience. WAIFC's aim is to create a transparent network and promote understanding of the importance of international financial centres for the national and international economy and social development.

International Financial Centre Partners

To strengthen the cooperation of financial centres around the globe, Frankfurt Main Finance has formed partnerships with several important financial centre initiatives in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In the form of a Memorandum of Understanding, the cooperating partners have agreed to promote the international exchange of expertise, talent and ideas and thereby mutually support their locations.

In this series of articles, we would like to introduce Frankfurt Main Finance’s international financial centre partners and not only give an overview of the economic location advantages, but also show the attractions and unique features of the place.



These are our cooperation partners:


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