Frankfurt Financial Centre​

Figures, data and facts about the financial centre Frankfurt​

Frankfurt Main Finance is a competent contact for the financial centre Frankfurt. We can provide you with data, facts and assessments concerning Germany’s most important financial centre and Frankfurt’s position in national and global competition. The contact details of our press officer be found here.

Bank Employees
Financial Institutions​

Regulatory authorities based in Frankfurt am Main

  • European Central Bank (ECB)
  • Deutsche Bundesbank (DBB)
  • European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
  • Global Legal Entity Indentifier Foundation (GLEIF)
  • Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
  • Federal Financial Market Stabilisation Agency (FMSA)
  • European Insurance and Occupational Pension Authority (EIOPA)
  • International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

Trade fair location Frankfurt am Main

  • The financial centre Frankfurt am Main has been known nationally and internationally as a trade fair location for more than 800 years.
  • The first written mention of a trade fair in Frankfurt am Main was in July 1240.
  • The cornerstones of Frankfurt’s trade fair culture: around 1330 Emperor Ludwig IV also privileged a spring fair in Frankfurt.
  • The Messe Frankfurt GmbH – as we know it today – was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. 16 citizens of the city founded the Ausstellungs- und Festhallengesellschaft mBH in 1907.
  • Every year, Messe Frankfurt organises around 200 trade fairs in Germany and abroad – making it one of the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organisers.
Research Institutes​
Students​ in FrankfurtRheinMain
International Students​

Sources: Stadt Frankfurt am Main,  Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, Der Bundesverband der deutschen Banken, Helaba, Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt, Messe Frankfurt, Wissensportal FrankfurtRheinMain, AMLA Frankfurt

Effects of brexit on the financial centre Frankfurt​

The Brexit and its consequences for the financial centre Frankfurt: In the category Financial Centre Frankfurt Main Finance compiles among other things all relevant news, background reports, interviews and statements concerning the withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union and its effects on the financial centre Frankfurt am Main.

An excerpt from the Annual Economic Report 2020 of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology: “The decision of the United Kingdom to leave the EU is already leading to a reorientation in the location policy of many financial service providers towards the EU-27. Germany is continuously working to further increase its attractiveness as a business and financial location so that international financial service providers settle in Germany. In addition to banks, these include insurance and reinsurance companies, investment companies, FinTech providers and venture capital companies. [….] Within the framework of the Brexit Tax Accompanying Act, the protection against dismissal for certain risk carriers of major financial institutions was also aligned with the regulations for executive employees.”

Banks that have opted for Frankfurt (selection):​

In focus: Frankfurt as a financial centre

Frankfurt's banking employment is in a slowing upward trend. In its current Financial Centre Focus, Helaba forecasts a slight increase in bank employment of around 1,000 or 1.5 % to 67,200 bank employees in Frankfurt by the end of 2024. Further information on the effects of the shortage of skilled workers and the general development of banking employment in Frankfurt can be found in the Helaba Financial Centre Focus.

Frankfurt Life

With close to six million inhabitants, the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region is the second largest economic area in Germany. It extends over parts of three federal states and is one of the most economically dynamic and efficient in Europe. But FrankfurtRhineMain is more than just a successful economic centre. The region offers you a diverse programme of cultural and leisure activitiesWorld-famous museums, renowned orchestras and a lively theatre, art and cultural scene are at home here. You can relax in one of the numerous spa and wellness facilities, take a walk in one of the wine-growing areas, go on a bike tour or play golf in the low mountain ranges Taunus, Spessart and Odenwald as well as in the wine-growing areas Rheingau, Bergstrasse, Franconia and Rheinhessen.

In our Frankfurt Life category you will find exciting tips for excursions, leisure and cultural activities as well as the odd insider tip about the region’s culinary diversity.

Our reading recommendation: The Financial Times publishes insight guides to the worlds most influential financial centres regularly. If you want get some cultural insights on Frankfurts, click here.

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