Written by 15:44 Financial Centre, Member, TOP-NEWS

Not just for FinTechs – start-up scholarship from the state of Hesse

From 1 February to 1 March 2024, all start-ups in Hesse that are no more than 5 years old can apply for the scholarship push!.

Every start-up is based on an innovative idea. But this alone is no guarantee of a successful company. Rather, such an idea must be well thought out and developed in order to turn it into a marketable business model. All of this requires a great deal of commitment from every founder and one thing above all: sufficient time.

With the push! start-up grant, the state of Hesse supports early-stage start-ups that want to develop their business model and establish and expand their company. With push!, they receive the necessary liquidity, a one-off grant of up to €40,000 within one year, to develop and realise their innovative business idea in a marketable form. The funding is aimed at start-ups with technological and/or non-technical innovations in products, processes or services.

  1. Application: Young start-ups from Hessen can apply from 1 February to 1 March. This process consists of two stages: Firstly, the completion of a digital application form and secondly, the precise presentation of the company’s objectives.
  2. Selection Procedure: Click here to find out which requirements the start-up must fulfil. Start-ups that make a contribution to tackling future challenges and whose business model takes into account the sustainability goals of the United Nations are considered particularly worthy of support.
  3. Funding Proposal: The funding proposal must be submitted within 2 weeks of receiving a funding recommendation. In the first funding round of 2024, this will probably comprise the month of May.
  4. Funding Period: The expected start of funding is therefore July 2024. The maximum duration of the scholarship is 12 months.
  5. Supporting Documents: At the end of the funding period, the expenditure for the project or programme must be documented, e.g. with copies of invoices and timesheets.

Explanatory video and more information

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